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A man running outside wearing FS4 Plantar Fasciitis Compression socks.

Running with Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is inflammation of the tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes .  Roughly 83 percent of active adults will experience some form of Plantar Fasciitis in their lifetime. Although this statistic may seem alarming or scary, there are ways to remain active and healthy even if you are battling with Plantar Fasciitis.

Common Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

The most common symptom of Plantar Fasciitis is  a stabbing pain that radiates through your heel and the bottom of your foot. It is most commonly felt when you get out of bed in the morning. Individuals can also experience pain or discomfort when taking their first steps after prolonged sitting.

Foot wearing black FS6 Performance Foot Sleeve.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is usually a result of over training or improper training methods. Worn down or old shoes can also increase the chances of you experiencing Plantar Fasciitis Pain. Choosing the right shoe and making sure that you replace them after a certain number of miles is very important. Plantar Fasciitis cases have also been shown in athletes who run on hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. Runners World’s research has shown how a sudden increase in training can put a lot of extra stress on that area of the foot. The body is not used to that immediate onset stress, so it can increase the risk of developing Plantar Fasciitis.

Three Stages of Plantar Fasciitis

Before doing any form of exercise, it is always best to consult your doctor. Once you’re cleared, it is important to know the different levels and stages of Plantar Fasciitis to know whether running is even an option. There are commonly three stages of Plantar Fasciitis. These stages include the recovery stage, mild-pain stage, and in some cases an extreme pain stage. Not all individuals with Plantar fasciitis experience all three of these stages, as some people’s pain levels are only mild from the start. Everyone’s bodies are different, so pain level and discomfort can vary. Those who fall within the extreme pain stage should focus on RICE and walking if possible. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Once the pain levels have decreased, then reevaluate whether its time to begin running again. If pain worsens or continues for longer than 6 weeks consult a doctor for additional treatment.

First Steps

Stretching and compression should be some of the first methods of pain relief for individuals who are trying to run with a moderate or low case of Plantar Fasciitis. Making sure that your hamstrings and calves are properly stretched out can be a great way take some of that pressure off your Plantar Fasciitis. Try to stretch before you run and after you run in order to stay lose and warm throughout the whole workout. Incorporating foam rolling practices can also help alleviate some of the tightness in the area of pian. In order to get the best results, roll out both your calf and your hamstring muscles. For foot relief, a lacrosse or tennis ball can be of great help. Simply place the ball on the floor and use it to roll around the middle of your foot in between your heel and your toes. For more information on how to perform this stretch check out this video. Compression socks and calve sleeves are another great pain relief option to incorporate in with the stretching. Compression socks are known for improving blood flow and reducing swelling. This can result in a decrease in pain and inflammation caused by Plantar Fasciitis.


A pair of legs wearing neon yellow FS6+ Performance Foot and Calf Sleeves.


Stretching and compression can help you before you workout and while you are working out, but what about afterwards? It is important to ice your feet after each walk or run workout that you perform. Make sure to only Ice for 10-15 minuets to avoid damage to your skin and your foot. Depending on the pain, you could ice after you run and one more time before you go to bed. In extreme cases, sleeping may be uncomfortable or painful. In order to alleviate some of the pain while you sleep, try wearing nighttime Plantar Fasciitis treatments. This will help improve blood flow and decrease the amount of pain you experience when you wake up.

Conquering Plantar Fasciitis

The most important thing to remember when battling with any ongoing pain or injury, is to listen to your body. Your body is your best recovery manual on what you should do and what you should avoid. If running is aggravating the injury even more then try out a light jog or walk instead. The goal is to actively heal the Plantar Fasciitis while staying moderately active if possible. Global Running Day was created with the vision of getting people moving and active in all age ranges. Don’t let Plantar Fasciitis keep you from doing what you love, conquer that running stride.
